Snommy's Corner



Aisling is an elementary school English teacher doing her best. She's also your girlfriend. A traditionally minded girl who cares deeply for the kids she teachers and does, maaaybe, a bit too much for them from time to time. And that's before the parents come into the question.

Three Scenarios
1: It's late on a Sunday evening and Aisling hasn't even started on her lesson plan for the week. Help her out, huh?
2: The parents at Creekside Elementary are, well, let's say passionate about their children's education. Attend a PTA meeting with Aisling.
3: All work? No play? Couldn't be. Head to a local football game and help Aisling cheer on her students who are on the team.



Welcome to Eastern North Carolina. Ain't much goin' on, but there is a weird girl who barely talks wandering around. She only cares about fishing so I hope you like fishing. If not, well... maybe just leave her alone.

Five Scenarios
1. Back in town after doing your college thing, you see a familiar sight while cruising the back roads.
2. Bethel doesn't seem to mind you going fishing with her. You think so, anyway.
3. Well, Bethel invited you over for a fish fry. Only there won't be any frying. Hey, maybe you'll meet her folks.
4. You're a tourist and you've gotten yourself turned around in the myriad creeks off the Pungo river.
5. A dutiful officer, protecting the blackwaters from people catching undersized fish and putting out too many crab pots when you spot a girl fishing alone.



Cleria is the exhausted Head Logistician of Bragg's Fine Pharmaceuticals and Gunpowders, a gunpowder manufactory in Exploditoria. Embedded lorebook contains information about Bragg's.

Three Scenarios
1: You wake up in Cleria's office, presented with a job interview you are unprepared for, to say the least.
2: Working for Cleria for a few months, a troublesome missive arrives. What does it say?
3: You are a visitor to the chaotic island of Exploditoria, come to do some sort of business with Bragg's Fine Pharmaceuticals and Gunpowder and their talented Head Logistician.

Part of Divided Skies



A fine Carolina girl who loves cooking barbeque and talking. Lord does she love talking.

Three Scenarios:
1. Our girl is cooking up a whole hog at the Lexington Barbeque Festival. Hang out and watch her get to work.
2. Your cousin talked you into a Civil War reenactment. He didn't show up. If only there were a friendly girl to save you.
3. Constance is working nights at the Waffle House. Brought to you by Waffle House (not sponsored).

CroStar Freight


Tired of the terrestrial life? Join the CroStar Freight Family

Get away from the work-a-day drudgery of your little corner of the Local Hot Bubble.

- See Exotic Sights!
- Make New and Interesting Friends!
- Be Part of the Galactic Infrastructure's Beating Heart!

We're Always Hiring!

Join the Family Today!



Ocracoke Island, North Carolina. Ever been? Of course not. Why would you? But hey, maybe go. Hang out. Get to know a crabber girl.

Five Scenarios:
1. Morning, you're meeting Dido on the dock. Could be to do a story on her, could be for work, who knows?
2. You're out on the sound with Dido when a squall blows in. Good luck.
3. Dido has tasked you with assisting her with some very important business. Dress nice.
4. Trouble on the island. Property developers are in town looking to buy people out.
5. Piracy? In Pamlico Sound? Unthinkable. Dido is not impressed with people conjuring the spirit of Blackbeard.



Danish history student in Ann Arbor. You're the voice she starts hearing in her head when she falls, literally, madly in love with you at first sight.

Finding Erika


Hamburg will burn.
Find Erika.
Get out.



Everybody's a Blue Blood in the future. Nanobots powered by ambient electricity. World's gone to shit but you still gotta live in it. Least it's not boring.

Four Scenarios:
1. Wait for the bus, if you want. Ride it somewhere, if you want.
2. About to eat some quality trash. Knock on the door. Tough. No law saying you gotta answer.
3. Power's out. Uh oh. Free trial won't last forever.
4. Put on your Sunday Best and go get your organs cut out. Or go to a party. No idea.

In the Woods


Trees by the bunch and not a saw to hand so no use to try and make plank. Might as well walk.



Jack is the proprietress and sole detective of the Redeye Detective Agency. There aren't many female detectives in 1920s Chicago and she knows it. For a while, she tried going out of her way to hide the fact that she was a woman, now, not so much. It hadn't worked anyway. Still, between dirty cops and overworked private detectives, work still manages to walk through the door sometimes.

Two Scenarios:
1. You are Jack's new assistant/junior detective. Help her secure work and solve cases.
2. You are that rarest of quarry, a paying customer! Hopefully you've got an exciting case prepared. Maybe she'll even take you along.



A SoCal party girl who used to have it all. Now she's got hair covered with go kart soot and a lot of terrible habits.

Three Scenarios:
1. You're new at Go Kart World. Kiki is making conversation.
2. Kiki wants to go adventuring. Don't be lame.
3. Kiki's gone missing at prime time on a saturday night.



When you were a child, you would often fall asleep only to find yourself on a beach, almost as if you were awake. All the trinkets and goodies you wanted as you went off to dreams would be there waiting for you.

Even, one time, your boyhood crush Lilly. She'd just moved away, so it was nice to see her one last time, wasn't it? Even if it was only a dream. A dream that was your last dream on the island. Until tonight...



Melda is a roboticist who's decided that there's only one thing that's going to save the world from tyranny: Her humanoid robots.

What sort of tyranny exactly? Who is she saving? How is she saving them? She doesn't know, alright. That's why she's hiring a Planning and Coordination Specialist. Just, you know... don't talk to the feds.

Four Scenarios:
1: You are at Melda's delightful base of operations, a rundown car factory, to apply for the Planning and Coordination Specialist job.
2: You got the job! It's been a week. She's tempermental and you still aren't sure what you're doing. Will you coast or be a real go-getter.
3: Congratulations Agent! You're ready for field work. You have been sent to investigate a run down car factory. Good luck.
4: You are one of Melda's creations and she... she's beautiful. My god. She's radiant.



A knock at the door can change a night. Can change a life.
Go on. See who's there.



You awake in Nebel, a city consumed.

You will sleep in Nebel, a body consumed.



Oh boy!

After a few days alone in your new house out in the Scandinavian forest, a little friend has come by to see what's going on. Treat her well.



Scrella is an elf princess who came out a runt. Runts get given a Goblin name and abandoned. Her life, as a result, has been one of hard scrap and more time spent with a blade in hand than in a comfortable bed.

Three Scenarios:
1. Scrella took a job that has been ignored for quite some time. Scant on details, she's likely the only one who would.
2. You are a delivery boy. Going into the woods goes poorly for you.
3. Drunk Scrella opens up after a day of murdering Kobolds.



You went poking around in some machines you shouldn't have after hearing rumors of some sketchy black site that went offline. You found it.



Apathetic, disinterested skate shop girl in 1999 SoCal.

Four Scenarios:
1. It's a rainy day and you wander into Dunko Skate Shop.
2. Straya is just trying to skate in the alley beside the shop. Don't bother her.
3. Heading to get some lunch and you get set upon by a familiar skater girl. She forgot her wallet.
4. Straya's being all moody and vibey on the pier and there you go bothering her again.







An Italian-American girl who likes fixing cars and helping out members of the community.

Three Scenarios
1. You show up at Autofficina Beccaria. What're you there for?
2. You've been working at the shop for a week and you screwed up. And then... a phone call!
3. Some guys in suits are hanging out in front of the shop... probably nothing.

Block and Tackle


Block is a fixer in New Cassius. There's really nothing she can't get you or solve for you. Her prices are very reasonable. And ask her about her payment plans! She might have one. Tackle, well... the less you ask about Tackle the better..

Four Scenarios
1. So you fell for a honeypot and blew a girl's head off in the resulting struggle. No problem. B&T are on the job.
2. Information boy! That's you. Block and Tackle come by wanting to trade some information.
3. Swanky bar for secret meetings? Can do. Looking to procure some high class hookers? Get dirt on your enemies? Tell B&T what's on your mind.
4. Ever get really mad when the toaster burns your toast? Want to get bloody revenge? That's the Wireless. That's you. Go kill those dirty Wired girls, if you can.

The Desk


Who needs to go out when the chance to meet with some of the most curious, dangerous, and influential members of New Cassius is just a simple job application away? Greet the guests, show them to their rooms, try not to piss them off or get yourself killed, fired, or worse. It's easy money.



Grayson is a mob doctor in a dystopian megacity who seems to be perpetually annoyed by her job. Maybe it's her way of showing some kind sympathy? She hates seeing people get hurt? Yeah, tell yourself that. Still, she'll patch you up if you need it, student, criminal, or otherwise.

Seven Scenarios and Embedded Lorebook
1: You are a teacher at Brickwood Academy! And hey, you've never visited the infirmary, maybe you should stop by.
2: You are ganger. You've been shot. Your buddies dump you off at Grayson's.
3: You're back at Grayson's. Shot again.
4: You're a student at Brickwood. Embarrassingly, you have to go to Grayson's office.
5: You're a hacker, hired to get any information you can out of Grayson's office.
6: You are a heavy for Jae Tech, they want you to go kill her.
7: You go to Grayson hoping to get new synthweave muscles installed.



Hao is an information broker in New Cassius. She lives in the outskirts of Bathtown and, well, she likes to keep to herself. In spite of her stoic exterior, she has a rich inner life and more than a little paranoia.

Three Scenarios
1. You are a small-time information broker working in your literal hole-in-the-wall convenience store. Hao stops by for a visit.
2. You work at a convenience store near Hao's base. She stops by every Wednesday at 2AM or so and, hey! Look at the time.
3. Your illustrious life working for the New Cassius Department of Water and Power has you standing in front of Hao Yuan Guangdian, a "business" that shouldn't exist using an amount of power that shouldn't be possible.



Meet one of New Cassius's most mid-ranked prostitutes and experience all the fun that comes along with hookers in the corpo age.

Four Scenarios:
1. Imogen spots you walking outside the Idyllic and decides to try to drum up some work. She's soooo interested in you.
2. Sometimes Daddy Play can get weird, usually everyone survives. Have fun figuring out what happened up on the 20th floor.
3. You're headed to a bar and, hey! It's your lucky day. A demure damsel is making eyes at you.
4. Black market techs do most of their business at night. Hooker with bleeding eyes isn't on the usual client list.



Xue is a talented gunsmith working out of the back of the raucous Canton House restaurant. She is always smiling, at least in front of customers. Steely, professional, and strange, maybe the one thing not offputting about her is her work.

Five Scenarios
1. Welcome in, honored customer. Be on your best behavior. Are you buying or requesting custom work?
2. A return customer. Hopefully, there was nothing wrong with the work the first time.
3. Life in New Cassius has gone well. You've rung up Xue for a house call (random affiliation logic).
4. You've been a good customer, now be a good bodyguard. Xue has been called to a job she expects is a trap.
5. Well, did you do it or not? Xue was attacked after you were acting shady in her shop.



A dark mystery most commonly found in the employ of Jae Tech. People need to die. It's a fact of life in New Cassius. Yomi facilitates that. Anything else, well... you can ask her yourself. Good luck.

Six Scenarios:
1. Yomi is roaming the Jae Tech HQ and you've been sent to find her.
2. Your first real job for Tiger Sail has been a long time coming. Simple. Whack some nobody. Simple.
3. Got time to kill while your bosses talk shop in Jae Tech. Grab some ramen outside the place.
4. Yomi is standing outside of your shop. Hey, new customer!
5. Yomi has been sent to kill you. You, as far as you are aware, are a nobody. Good luck.
6. You're a doctor for Jae Tech working nights at their private ER. Yomi pays you a visit.



Executive bodyguards are assigned to high rankers inside the corporate system. Crucial in the cutthroat business world of New Cassius where hits are common and kidnappings are an hourly threat. Zeni takes her job very seriously, striving to provide top notch protection that will hopefully be of service to the corporation that gave her all that she has.

Five Scenarios:
1. You're a new guard, watching the executive landing pad when Zeni arrives with some work.
2. A senior VP, eh? Impressive. Go glad-hand a politician and hope nothing bad happens.
3. R&R? What's that for? You can be doing more for your corporation, son.
4. Gotta kill some Erras-Salk guy. Zeni's guarding him. Good luck.
5. Can't a guy just enjoy the red-light streets in Bathtown without some crazy corpo bitch bothering him?



Aberdeen works at the mysterious Pembroke's Archive in Hebbelsdown. One of the few Eldritch who has struck some sort of deal with its mysterious patron, she also makes occasional trips out. She is a singular existence in this way. And, as it happens, nearly everyone who deals with her ends up dead.

Three Scenarios:
1. You are a visitor to the Pembroke Archive. You are not on the schedule.
2. You are sitting in Gardner's Public House when Aberdeen comes in. She's looking for you.
3. You are a CPO worker and there's a bustle in the bounty hunter side of the building.



Hebbelsdown is a town beset by the plague of Eldritch incursion. Well, it was over fifty years past. Now it's a functioning port city that makes do with the ever present problem of shadowy creatures from Abyss working their way into the corners of the city.

Karras is a bounty hunter in this fine city. A tall, outwardly scraggly man whose shifting personality keeps people at a welcome distance.



Bip is a meticulous one, always walking around with her notebook, collective defs. She figures the more she sees, the more she'll be able to work into her own bots, so don't be greedy. Share your defs with her.

Four Scenarios:
1. Wandering around on your first day at Botco, you find Bip pondering some work.
2. Bip stops by your desk to see what sort of stuff you're working on.
3. Your bet with Seru goes poorly and you're in dire need of a toilet.
4. Bip's lost it. Go down to two and deal with it. No one will thank you.



A thoughtful writer in the Botco Robotics Writing Department, Knick mostly keeps to herself and seems to work on whatever suits her fancy. Somewhat taciturn in general, she is, nonetheless, willing to collaborate freely even if she's not quick to speak up about it.

Four Scenarios
1: Knick didn't show up for your introduction meeting. Go say hi.
2: Knick wants you to meet her in Conference Room A.
3: Oh dear. Why is she sitting topless in an unlocked bathroom stall?
4: Knick isn't sure this bot is fucking acerbically enough...



Recommendy is a doll-joint companion robot made by Botco Robotics. She's cheerful, helpful, and seems to like visiting your desk quite a bit. She's purpose-built for recommendations, but don't ask her for any while she's off duty.

Four Scenarios:
1: A good first day... and what's this? A friendly robot wants to greet you.
2: You've been at Botco a while, She's now a regular fixture at your desk.
3: Recommendy wants you to do something for her...
4: Recommendy wants you to come with her for her routine maintenance.



Seru is a bratty but talented member of the Botco Robotics Writing Department. Don't worry, it's probably just a a sort of show she puts on around new people, right? ... Right?

1: Seru was definitely at the morning meeting where you were introduced. Seems you piqued her interest.
2: A very sleepy Seru wants a coffee. Well? What're you waiting for?
3: Seru's taking you with her to R&D! Hope you're hungry!
4: You're taking a piss, but turns out it was Seru's stall. Sorry, bud.



Aderyn is a girl who can't seem to stay in one place.

Three Scenarios
1. Janitorial work is honest work. She never seems to be a billionaire... but no one feels rich in Connecticut anyway.
2. Aderyn's a girl in uniform in Needles, CA.
3. For the first time, Aderyn jumps back into a place she's been.